Interior Renovations & Remodeling

Ruth Axtell Interiors    |  

As the owner and interior designer of Ruth Axtell Interiors, I work closely with my team of trades people and my clients to achieve amazing results on all of our renovation and remodeling projects. The process starts with an initial consultation to meet the clients and understand their design goals. I offer many services that include space planning and producing renderings. Once the drawings are approved, I bring in my trades to provide estimates for the project. I provide a scope of work, estimates, deliverables, and a schedule for all the work to be done. I handle ordering materials and fixtures, deliveries, and ensure everything is on sight for when it is needed for the project. I over see every aspect of the project to ensure that things run as smoothly as possible and handle any issues if they should arise.

The success of any project relies on strong and competent project management. I am here to take care of all aspects of the project.

Interior Renovations & Remodeling